ENSEA supports and encourages more than 30 student clubs to participate in sports, artistic, cultural, technological and humanitarian activities. The diversity of ENSEA students is reflected in the multitude of associations.

They are all gathered into 5 poles:

  • Students Union ("Bureau des Eleves" or BDE in French): manages student daily life, student integration, "K-fet", the common room, "La Cave", Epicuria (cooking association), Webteam, Scoop (ENSEA student magazine)
  • Sports Association ("Bureau des Sports" or BDS in French): for all sports, together with ENSEAviron, Ski Club, ENSEA Course Croisière, 4l de l'Entr'Raid
  • Tech Association (BDTech): DIY, social media, ARES (robotics), Made In ENSEA (technical products), Junior ENSEA, Wave
  • Arts Association ("Bureau des Arts" or BDA in French): culture and more, eSound, Dans'ea, Spec', Léz'Arts, Pix'Art, Arena, EDENsea, TYO (international short movies)
  • Solidarity Association ("Bureau de la Solidarité" or BdlS in French): HUM'ENsea (Humanitarian assoiciation), ENSEAsie, AMFS, CritiqueS, FIP, ENSEAfrica, ENSEActiv





Dans la peau d'un Ensearque

If you need details, feel free to ask the sutdents by writing to  bds@ensea.fr