Label Bienvenue en France

'Bienvenue en France' Policy



The Bienvenue en France international attractiveness strategy, initiated on November 17, 2019, aims to enable France to welcome at least 500,000 international students by the year 2027.

This strategy is based in particular on a principle of solidarity between international students through the implementation of differentiated tuition rates provided by a decree of April 19, 2019 to enable the financing of better reception facilities while exempting from these fees those who need them most.

In addition, ENSEA responded to the very first Campus France call for projects to improve reception facilities, and was one of the first winners to benefit from the Campus France start-up fund.

In the same year, we were awarded the 'Bienvenue en France' label.


The label




The "Bienvenue en France" label is awarded to establishments wishing to highlight their welcome arrangements. It is awarded for 4 years by Campus France and validated by an independent commission. It is a guarantee of the quality of the welcome offered by higher education establishments.

Approved establishments are assessed on the basis of 20 indicators divided into five thematic areas:

Quality and accessibility of information
Quality and accessibility of reception facilities
Accessibility and support for teaching
Housing and quality of campus life
Quality of post-graduate follow-up
As soon as it was created in 2019, ENSEA was one of the first 25 schools to be awarded the level 1 label (one star).



Our Welcome Policy




ENSEA welcomes students from all over the world. To facilitate their integration, a number of welcome and support measures have been set up:

  • Dematerialization of registration and installation procedures in France via a dedicated multilingual application
  • Welcome guide available in French and English
  • Reservation of accommodation
  • Participation in the International Welcome Desk (multi-service desk)
  • Accessibility in English: website available in English and courses available in English (possibility of doing 2nd year entirely in English and 2 3rd year options)
  • Integration week with intensive French as a foreign language course (if required)
  • Back-to-school events and cultural visits
  • Buddy system with the FIP (Foreign Integration Program) student association
  • Individualized support
  • Emergency telephone line
  • Professional integration support