In parallel with the final year, ENSEA engineering students can follow a specialized degree course, organised by ENSEA and in co-habilitation with the University of Cergy-Pontoise.

The Master 2 Research includes several research professions between IT, telecommunications, embedded systems, data processing and electronics.
It consists of 6 different routes:

  • Images and multimedia data (IMD)
  • Signal and telecommunications (ST)
  • Artificial intelligence and robotics (IAR)
  • Models for complex data analysis (MADOCS)
  • Electronics of intelligent systems (ESA)
  • Technological innovations and digital entrepreneurship (ITEN)

File application

Before June 30 to the attention of Mr Carqueijeiro

ENSEA - Master 2 Recherche
6, avenue du Ponceau
CS 20707 CERGY

pdf presentation.pdf pdf, 439.21 KB
pdf application_iisc_french.pdf pdf, 315.31 KB