ENSEA has set up a department dedicated to supporting student life and associations.

The Campus Life Department looks after all aspects of student life not directly related to schooling, but everything that goes with it:

  • Housing (CROUS, university residences, housing platforms, mutual aid, etc.),
  • Scholarships (CROUS, Georges Besse or Egalité des Chances du Val d'Oise financial aid programs),
  • Visas and residence permits,
  • Reception of international students,
  • Loan of computer equipment,
  • Organization and distribution of exceptional assistance,
  • Immediate contact for any problems students may encounter
  • Helping student associations organize events: anti-discrimination day (last November), health week (disability, prevention, addictions), violence awareness week.
  • Social and psychological risks (contact with dedicated support structures and face-to-face and online listening services, in French or English)
  • Health and prevention (agreement with a campus doctor, access to a medical-psychological team)
  • Dedicated social worker on campus one day a week
  • A team of study advisors on campus to provide individual support for students in difficulty and coordinate with specific support organizations (VSS, psychological assistance, legal and social aid).
  • Dedicated referral teams: "Disability", "Gender equality", "Racism, anti-Semitism and homophobia".
  • Implementation of a reporting tool for all forms of violence and harassment
  • Specific support from an external association specializing in issues of sexual and gender-based violence.


State-guaranteed student loan

The French government guarantees your student loan up to 70% of the amount borrowed. 

For this, you need to contact one of the partner banks: Société Générale, Banque Populaire, Banque Postale, etc. Although these banks offer banking services through their respective online banks when they have them, so pay close attention to which institution you apply to. Online banks cannot offer the state-guaranteed loan. Once you've found a traditional bank willing to offer you a loan, it's time to sign the contract.

This will include all the conditions of your agreement with them. Make sure you read and understand every part of the contract before you sign it, because once you've signed it, there's no going back, and you'll have to respect all its conditions. A loan commits you and must be repaid.

Please contact us if you have any questions on this subject.


Help finding a student job

Jobaviz is an online platform specially designed to help students find jobs. The interface lets you create a profile, explore job offers, and create links with local employers. It simplifies the process of connecting students with job opportunities that match their needs and skills. It's a practical and effective resource for finding a student job that matches your skills and requirements.


Alternatively, if you're looking for additional training opportunities, the Walter Learning training platform offers a wide range of training courses, including continuing professional development  programs in the healthcare field, more on this page. Please note that job offers and companies are manually verified on this platform.


The associations

The school supports and encourages some thirty student clubs dedicated to sports, the arts, culture, technology and charity. The diversity of ENSEA students is reflected in the multitude of associations.

They are grouped into major categories:

Bureau des Eleves (BDE): manages day-to-day student life, including the BDE welcome weekend, the k-fet, the Foyer, La Cave and the Epicuria Association.
Bureau des Sports (BDS): for all BDS sports activities, ENSEAviron, ENSEA Course Croisière, Le 4L Trophy
Bureau des Techniques (BDTech): object making, DIY, social media, ARES ENSEA, Made In ENSEA, Wave, ENSEA Quantum Computing
Bureau des Arts (BDA): all things cultural BDA, eSound, Dans'ea, Spec', Pix'Art, Arena, GreenSEA, Panier Bio, TYO, Conf'ENSEA, INO
Bureau de la Solidarité (BdlS): everything to do with solidarity BdlS, HUM'ENsea, ENSEAsie, AMFS, JuniorENSEA, FIP, ENSEActiv

Discover all ENSEA associations!