ENSEA offers services to companies in the field of Training and Research.

Lifelong training: An offer of excellence adapted to all your electronics needs

Take advantage of ENSEA's expertise in the field of training to strengthen the knowledge and skills of your teams! Our teachers and teacher-researchers are able to design and deliver qualifying or diploma courses for all levels.
ENSEA has a Work Experience Validation (VAE) service to be able to award the title of Engineer to professionals who wish to acquire this diploma. Admission to the ENSEA ITI Continuing Education cycle is made by an application file study. Information from the Continuing Education Department: iti@ensea.fr

ENSEA is also able to offer tailor-made training courses to meet your specific needs, in short (1 to 2 days on specific subjects) or long formats, built with you to deliver excellent theoretical and practical training.

Technological spaces at your disposal for your R&D needs

The presence of two internationally renowned research laboratories and more than 100 researchers enables ENSEA to offer technology transfer, prototyping and tender response services.
The installation of three R&D platforms used by researchers and companies meets the needs of professionals, in particular in intelligent embedded systems (SES@ENSEA), virtual reality and augmented reality from acquisition to modelling (ARAV@ENSEA), and finally green energy and depollution of electricity networks (FAP@ENSEA). Several test environments are also available: anechoic chamber, measuring chamber, HF measuring benches.