The school has significant logistical and material resources; 18,000 m2 of spacious and functional premises, 66 classrooms and 27 laboratories incorporating specialized high-tech equipment.

La Rue



Once past the main staircase, the large hall nicknamed "La Rue" (which stands for "The Street" in French) brings together the "K-fet" (cafeteria managed by the students), the students' common room, the Students' Union and the offices of the student associations. It is also a friendly place where you can meet with other students, professors and researchers over coffee.



The ENSEA has a 300-seat amphitheatre very well equipped to study in the best conditions.




Dans la peau d'un Ensearque

Teaching labs


ENSEA includes 27 laboratories, dedicated to practical work and project implementation, which include more than €2.30 million of specialized equipment, plus research equipment, also used in teaching projects.

27 Teaching labs

  • 2 control systems labs
  • 1 instrumentation & measurement lab
  • 1 physics lab
  • 9 computer & CAD design labs
  • 2 signal processing & telecommunications labs
  • 1 microwave & antenna lab
  • 3 analog electronics labs
  • 3 digital electronics labs
  • 2 power engineering labs
  • 2 language centres
  • 1 multimedia centre