The second academic year at ENSEA is equivalent to the first year of a Master.

The semesters are the 7th and 8th semester in higher education. Following Bologna process, each one is tailored for 30 ECTS credits. In the 7th (S7) semester, students have to take six modules. Two of them are compulsory : Languages and Management & Project modules. For the four others, they have to choose two minors and two majors among Automation, Electronics, Signal and Computer Science. In the 8th (S8) semester, students will follow the Languages and Management & Project modules, one minor and one major among Signal and Electronics. They also have to choose one elective course among 11 courses. An 3-to-4-month internship is compulsory.

7th Semester (Track in English)


8th Semester (Track in English)

pdf ENSEA - 2nd year - International Fall Semester pdf, 418.96 KB
pdf ENSEA - 2nd year - International Spring Semester pdf, 484.89 KB