The Bachelor of Information Technology and Society (Human-IT) is a 3-year, multidisciplinary, international and professional training program that delivers a diploma granting the grade of LICENCE,

Grade accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (registered with the RNCP).


What sets it apart is its objective: to put people back at the heart of technology to better meet digital, social and environmental challenges.


Bachelor Human-IT, a course to serve transitions



Meeting the ecological and societal challenges we face is the raison d'être of the Bachelor Human-IT program. More than ever, we need inventors, people capable of proposing and implementing innovative solutions to drive the digital, societal and environmental transition

Engineering needs to reinvent itself: it needs to adopt a global, transdisciplinary outlook in order to grasp the full complexity of the issues at stake. Even more than today, tomorrow's experts will be creative, open-minded, supportive, ambitious and committed - or they won't be.

Human-IT is a practical, comprehensive 3-year training program, based on a balance between the sciences, the humanities and an international outlook.

It provides the technical, theoretical and human skills needed to support companies through the digital transition.




For creative and responsible engineering



A balance between the engineering sciences and the humanities and social sciences :

  • For the diversity of knowledge and ideas
  • For the dual skills companies are looking for


Creativity in design and technology:

  • To imagine and develop bold, visionary applications


Ethics for a responsible, sustainable world:

  • To adopt a global vision of environmental and societal issues
  • Giving substance to sustainable development and social responsibility

Multi-expertise in creative and responsible engineering, from programming to use:

  • To learn about creative AI, embedded electronics and social robotics
  • To think, model and program in real-life situations, and be autonomous throughout the entire process


At the crossroads of science and humanities

Pedagogy + professionalization + internationalization

  •     Multidisciplinary and personalized teaching
  •     Innovative project-based pedagogy
  •     Guest lectures by experts from the business world
  •     Professional immersion with 2 internships (min. 4 months) + possibility of apprenticeship
  •     International openness (mobility, curriculum in English and 2 to 3 modern languages)


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What's next? A gateway to the future!

The HUMAN-IT Bachelor's degree leads to a variety of careers in the fast-growing environmental, digital and energy sectors, where new profiles are in demand :

  • Designer of technological objects
  • Expert in eco-design of complex systems
  • Responsible and sustainable IT project manager
  • Specialist in frugal and low-tech sciences
  • Prototyper in multi-technology objects
  • Digital creative consultant
  • Project manager
  • Assistant engineer

... And so many others that you've yet to invent!